The Eyes Have It
"Boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses"
Maybe that's true, but it doesn't stop complete strangers from commenting on them. I've had my current glasses for a couple of months now and I have been absolutely amazed by the number of people who seem fascinated with them. I am not exaggerating when I say that complete strangers come up to me and comment. I'm actually a little perplexed. Just today it happened again. I was standing in line at Panera Bread waiting for my order and one of the sandwich makers stopped what he was doing to tell me he really liked them. Granted, I love them and think they are cute and funky and match my style very well, but I still think the situation is odd. It never happened to me with any of my other glasses! I'm starting to think the blue glow has some special power over people's minds. Now if I can just decide whether to use that power for good or evil... LOL

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